Popular Tweets: Know What’s Trending

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Reviewed by:
On February 1, 2013
Last modified:February 1, 2013


Take a peek on the trending topics at the city or country of your choice without even opening your Twitter account!

Thanks to the power of social networking sites, people are more up to date with the latest events in their country, city, or even community. One of the most prominent sites out there that proved to be efficient is, of course, Twitter. With summarized news mixed with personal opinions that people blurt out on their accounts, it has become a tool for gathering not just current happenings because it now acts as a social hub for finding out what the “in-thing” on pop culture is. May it be a sensational band, a social event, global breaking news, or even rumors, a simple hash tag can spark it up your country’s trending topics.

If you’re using Twitter as a platform for knowing what’s going on but you’re not fond of tweeting per se, then check this app called Popular Tweets where you can browse all the trending topics of a specific country or city with just a click without opening your personal account!

I’ve known a couple of people that doesn’t use Twitter to make friends or exchange tweets with their followers whatsoever. In short, they don’t find sense in the “social” part of it but they’re rejoicing with its capability of giving them the hottest news and the freshest talk of the town. Just in case you’re a member of their club, then Droid_Dev might have created one perfect app for your taste!

Popular Tweets is the brainchild of Droid_Dev which is basically an app that converges all trending topics within a country or a city of your choice. As of present, there are only a handful of locations that the app can access but the developers are promising an expansion so it can be utilized by Android users all over the globe.

Upon opening the app, you will be asked to select what region you’re planning to keep watch. Then, an authentication by means of typing in your Twitter username and password would be essential. After that, you can now see all the trending topics of the location you chose. But it’s not just the hash tagged key words you’ll find because popular accounts—of celebrities or politicians, etc—can also be seen on the list.

If you want to find out the top tweet/s regarding a particular topic, tap on it and you’ll automatically see three tweets that are relative to that. It is a great app which filters what’s hot and what’s not. It has a great user interface which is compact and uncluttered. With Popular Tweets, the need to follow all sorts of accounts will not be needed anymore because the app can already effectively update you.

End Note

The only thing I find on the flip side with this app is that once you’ve authenticated a specific region, there’s no turning back. It might be great if it allows users to jump from one set of trending topics to another. Like for me, I’d really want to know what’s happening in London and Canada, but I can only choose one.

All in all, Popular Tweets is a great application that looks great and gives credible results. For persons on the go, you will not have to open up your Twitter app to get to know what’s creating all the buzz.

The app is , download it now!

Harrie Sade

A caffeine-dependent power tripping damsel who loves murdering keyboards, her shabby photography, and the rain.

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Popular Tweets: Know What’s Trending
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