Stimulate Your Brain With Complete Memory Training

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Reviewed by:
On January 14, 2013
Last modified:January 14, 2013


Complete Memory Training will help you enhance your focus, recall, and information training.

Have you ever experienced losing focus on work or right in the middle of a school discussion? I did, and it happened a lot of times. My mom disclosed that I need a breather in order to regain my focus– do something else because maybe I just need space from doing the same things over and over again. But that “breather” doesn’t work all the time. Sometimes, it makes me lose my focus more and end up lounging around. I even notice that I have a shorter memory when I’m not focused. I tend to forget things, even the important ones. Luckily, there is a way that will help us restore focus and sharpen our memory. Interesting isn’t it? Save yourself from the unnecessary breathers and download the .

When you have a better memory, you can focus better. It is a package deal that will help you succeed in any aspect of life. Imagine, you can focus on your upcoming examination or with your client presentation with the help of a single app. Complete Memory Training claims to help you enhance your focus, recall, information training with continued use. Just like a weekend spa therapy, it will rejuvenate your brain cells and enhance its ability to process and store data.


The app features four main memory app training that you can choose from.

  • Short-Term Memory

This program will let you remember more than the average norm 7 digits. Remember all the numbers that will appear. From there, the app will let you know the accuracy of your memory.

  • Working Memory

In Working Memory, the users will compare the symbol on the far left with the symbol on the far right. The user will guess whether the symbols match. The true test happens when the symbol on the left slowly fades away.

  • Visual Memory

Visual Memory manifests 12 images. After the 12 images were presented, the original and resembling images will be shown. From there, will you be able to recall the original images?

  • Spatial Memory

In Spatial Memory,the users will need to click on the squares in the same order as they were lighted up. This will test if you have memorized the right order of the lighted squares.


Completely Useful or Total Fail?

Complete Memory Training claims to help users get a stronger brain. It is a given that brain rejuvenation occurs when you venture in a brain stimulating program. Still, I cannot conclusively vouch for this app. Let’s face it, even though studies indicate that mind games or mind exercises help reduce the chances of getting Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, there are still no studies indicating the functionality of this app when it comes to those areas. Seeking for a professional help if you really want to enhance your focus and memory is still the ideal thing to do. This is just an app that you can turn to for testing your memory.

For me, the exercises are rather helpful as it helps stimulate my brain. My only concern is up to what extent does the app gives help.  The short term memory test made me realize that I’m not that equipped when it comes to numbers and memorization. That I can agree, because I can’t memorize even my own mobile number. It is basically the same thing with the other tests. In working memory test I only managed to get 75% accuracy. The Visual Memory test is my highest; with the score of 11 out if 12 images. In Spatial Memory, I was able to get 60% accuracy– memorizing numerous blinking squares is not my strongest point.

I can personally say that Complete Memory Training is an engaging app. However, users should remember to not keep their hopes up that this will enhance their memory and focus in just a blink of an eye. A call for the doctor wouldn’t hurt anyway.

Maeve Audrey

Stylishly enthralled endless runner from erratic monsters.

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Stimulate Your Brain With Complete Memory Training
9 votes, 4.67 avg. rating (93% score)

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