The Hipster Revolution: Hipstamatic

From grunge clothing that demand attention to vintage, classic cameras that capture these picture perfect outfits, this can only mean one thing – the hipster movement has begun. Back in the days, scarves, fedoras, plaid polo shirts and lomo cameras were the big thing. Nowadays, despite the obvious height of technological advancements, everyone is dying to get their hands on the classics.

Out came the vinyl records, grandma’s vintage clothes and film cameras. Just the feel and look of old time grunge makes everyone giddy with delight. Hipster items so in the now are the Holga, Lomo and Polaroid cameras. So while others luxuriously spend their riches scouring stores for the amazing find, like a Minolta SRT-201 35mm camera, here is an app that’s sure to win your hippie heart over – the Hipstamatic.

Created by the ever hippie yet brilliant brains of Hipstamatic, LLC, Hipstamatic is the iPhone application that’s sure to revive the look, feel, fun and unpredictable beauty toy cameras of the past have created. Hipstamatic promises the quirks of shooting “old school” but offers the ease of swapping lens, film and flash settings at the swipe of a finger.

Vignettes, blurring, discoloured images and over saturation are just a few photo effects to try out. It includes four lenses, three films and three flashes in the standard equipment.

Layout & Design:

Pictures taken with Hipstamatic have a unique look and character that separates it from other photo apps. With the look of an actual professional camera, enjoy picturesque photos that are sure to be a hit among friends. It’s also quite easy to share and spread your photography prowess. Hipstamatic images can readily be uploaded to social media sites such as Instagram, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, or even emailed directly to friends and family.


For $1.99 you harness the photography power all those magazines boast of. Additional camera gear is readily available for $0.99 cents at the HipstaPaks bundled app.

The app is compatible with the iPhone, iPod touch 4th Generation, iPad 2, 3 and 4 with an iOS of 4.2 or later.


Devin Cross

Nurse by profession. Writer at heart. Food Lover. Closet Otaku.

The Hipster Revolution: Hipstamatic
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