Move The Box (Steal The Box) for Android

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Reviewed by:
On January 30, 2013
Last modified:January 30, 2013


Line up similar boxes by moving the others or swapping them with limited number of possible movements.

There’s some sort of pull that applications concerning match 3 boxes are creating in the app-sphere. There are even three Applatter reviews (Crazy Boxes Push The Box, and Move The Box) concerning the square containers prior to this one. It was quite a hit a few months back because the usual game play of switching similar icons in a match 3 game was spruced up with new movements like dropping and sliding. Nutty twists were affixed to the basic game but let’s not forget the origin of the whole experience. So take a look at this Android app review as I talk about a clear and mundane app called Move The Box (Steal The Box).

Fond of exercising your logic? Read more about the app after the cut.

Unlike the other box-centered mobile apps, Move The Box (Steal The Box) doesn’t come with a back story. But there are three available backgrounds to choose from—if that even counts. No villains to take into mind and there’s definitely no timer to hate. If not for the backgrounds and the chest looking boxes, I could’ve easily called this application as the prototype.

In order to practice your knack in logic, +Ceky+ developed the  app for Android users. Players must make the right move, swap, or drop in order to create a chain reaction of similar boxes piling up or lining side by side. With three chapters/worlds that has thirty puzzles in each, players would have enough puzzles to solve for days or even weeks! Difficulty levels are relative to what world you’re trying to finish.

It’s really more on moving rather than stealing.

There are no surprises in this app. Admittedly, I thought that some kind of Tin-Man-looking-robot would appear and give the game a little attack but it was all false hopes, I’m blaming the logo for this–haha! Melodrama aside, the app remained true to its “plain” theme and focused on the game play itself which is, moving the boxes to make similar ones sit on top of each other or side by side, thus making it disappear on your screen resulting in a chain reaction of the remaining boxes to find their look-alikes. In other words, it’s just like Bejeweled.

The first chapter is the “castle” where it practices you for some ultimate logic tests. The puzzles’ difficulty increases as you progress. The other two chapters are the “island” and the “underwater” where you’ll be introduced with various boxes and even barrels, for that matter.

The number of moves you’ll be allowed to take are indicated on the upper left hand corner of your screen. But you can still try your luck on moving the boxes as much as you want to because the app wouldn’t remove your current game unless you tap on the re-try button. And yes, there are unlimited tries as well plus there are no timers in sight.

Key Features

  • Three different chapters to choose from
  • 90 exciting levels available but there’s more to come!
  • Uncluttered interface and graphics
  • Suitable for both Android phones and tablets
  • Constant updates for additional levels

Harrie Moves The Box!

This casual-gaming app is a great way to pass the time whilst exercising your mind. It utilizes the trial-and-error method as you can endlessly try your luck in making the boxes disappear. Sounds interesting enough for you to give it a go? Then do check it out in the now! It’s free and offers no in-app purchases.

If the developers are aiming for a plain and simple app, then they did it really well with Move The Box (Steal The Box) but for the common player, it may appear mediocre. Nonetheless, the app presents quite a challenge when you get to take it seriously. Surprisingly, it’s not that easy to swap, move, and drop boxes when you’re confused on what action to make. Indeed, your tolerance for brain teasers can be tested with this app!

Harrie Sade

A caffeine-dependent power tripping damsel who loves murdering keyboards, her shabby photography, and the rain.

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Move The Box (Steal The Box) for Android
4 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (98% score)

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