Chat and Draw with SquibbleBox!

Review of: SquibbleBox
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Reviewed by:
On March 1, 2013
Last modified:March 1, 2013


With SquibbleBox, you won't just be chatting with your friends because you'll be creating art together!

More Details

In this day and age where you can simply connect to a free restaurant wifi or even pocket in your router, more and more smartphone users are relying on technology to send out messages either through their social media accounts or free chat services via a mobile application like Viber. Consequently, spending money on text messaging suddenly became too extravagant and people are resorting to using the internet to talk to their friends. It has more perks, obviously, starting with the fact that it’s free!

Want another app that you can fool around together with your friends even though your miles apart? Then look into this Android app review of SquibbleBox, the go-to chat application of creative people!

Endless chitchat, tons of laughs, and boatloads of non-sense with a friend through a phone call or a continuous exchange of text messages, name it, we’ve all been there. It doesn’t even matter if you two just went home together, there just seems to be a  million things to talk about! And now, there’s an application that can add more to all the thingamajig!

SquibbleBox is a free Android application created by the developer of the same name. It is basically an online messaging app but with a virtual shared canvass to boot! Users will have to log in using their Facebook account or by typing in their e-mail address. Talk to your friends in real time while creating an art by yourself or with another person then post it on the global board for other squibblers to see, comment, or edit!

Creating your very own mini-masterpiece!

Admittedly, I thought that this app is an imitation of the well-celebrated Draw My Thing with all the swift strokes and guessing but clearly, SquibbleBox is far from that. It’s simpler but definitely utilizes the same framework of interaction among its users as that of the aforementioned application.

In SquibbleBox, you’d get the satisfaction of chatting with your friends and at the same time, drawing something together adding more to the fun!

First, you’d have to create your personal account and start setting up your own box of doodles. Put in a title, description, and even a message with it for others to see. People you know or even the ones you don’t, can then add you up as their friend and start commenting and even putting in a couple of enhancements on your squibbles. Everything happens in real-time so an internet connection is needed for this, people!

If you’ve registered through an email you can manually search for other users by typing in random names, just like what I did. But you can also see who in your Facebook list are enjoying the drawing application. Heck, you can even invite them to start using SquibbleBox!

By visiting other people’s profile, you can enter their boxes to see their creativity or lack thereof. Boxes can be categorized and it can be set to private if you’re not really confident with your doodles. But on the contrary, if you are proud of your pieces, you can post it on the global board where your artwork can be seen by all app users all over the world!

Posting it there means you’re allowing the others to comment on your doodle. Much like Instagram.

End Note

Although one may find a bit of trouble rummaging through the app with their initial use, getting the hang of it through trial and error can do the trick! But a few instructions here and there on how to use SquibbleBox can definitely be a good feat considering that common sense can only do so much for the app user on the process of collaborating on images. So if you’re planning on trying the app out, better take out all your patience on wrapping your head around it.

Good thing though that it has  a clean user-interface that settles the minor confusions. All in all, SquibbleBox is a great application to fool around with your friends and would-be friends! Since you can create something together other than just chat, can you imagine how silly your conversation might end up? And it’s also a plus that you can showcase your work to everyone!

SquibbleBox is a download-worthy application that caters to youngsters and even teens at heart! It is . Do check it out now and start creating artworks with your friends and would-be friends!

Harrie Sade

A caffeine-dependent power tripping damsel who loves murdering keyboards, her shabby photography, and the rain.

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Chat and Draw with SquibbleBox!
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