Guessing Game Alert: Icon Pop Quiz

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Reviewed by:
On November 29, 2012
Last modified:November 29, 2012


Test your knowledge in Pop Culture with Icon Pop Quiz.

I bet most of you have once (or twice, or even more than that) tried playing a pop quiz or logo quiz app. I admit that it’s one of the most enthralling app categories that I have tried as it tests my cognizance in different categories. Of course, I play it without any help. Until came a time to ask a colleague to help me with the game. After a few rounds and a few minutes, we realized that there were already five of us (from different departments) solving the question and we still can’t figure out the answer. Ending: five heads plus the ever reliable, Google. I know, I know, I can hear you screaming the word “cheaters!”. But come on, I know at least once in your life you have tried or at least got tempted to consult Google for an answer for a quiz app question—be honest!

Well, we can never have too many quiz apps so let me introduce you to an app that has the same gameplay as the other famous logo quizzes released. What makes this game stand out? The use of creative icons that you have to guess. Test your knowledge and familiarity with

Icon Pop Quiz

The challenge of the Icon Pop Quiz is testing the player’s guessing skills when it comes to characters or tv shows and movies from the well-crafted ingenious icons. Don’t demean these icons as they are created to make you side-tracked or have a subsequent guess. Variations such as elements, hairstyle, and eyes appear in the icons making your inquisitiveness stir to the next level.


  • Over 400 icons available and there are more to come on the app update.
  • Two categories: TV and Film Quiz, and Character Quiz
  • Different levels of fun guessing experience in every category.
  • Ask Your Friends for the answer through Facebook or Twitter.
  • Hint: Gives you a clue sentence of the answer (cost: 200 tokens)
  • Eliminate Keys: only the used letters will be displayed in your keyboard (cost: 300 tokens)
  • Open letters: reveal some letters of the answer (cost: 400 tokens)
  • Resolve: automagically answer the questions for you (cost: 2000 tokens)
  • An Icon Pop Shop is also available in case you want to purchase cute items from their shop like Superman Icon in the form of an iPhone case, or a Zorro icon on a T-shirt.

Brace yourself for the pop icon invasion:

If you think you know everything when it comes to pop culture, then this app is for you. This is one app that I have enjoyed, and so as my friends. When it comes to quiz games, it is more fun playing it with your friends to seek for a little or even an extensive help guessing the icons. A great bonding game, I must say.

The vibrant icons make this app pleasing to the eyes. I also love how they differentiated the icons, yet familiar to those who have a deep appreciation for pop culture. Sometimes though, it misleads you especially if you are mystified on the flick or the character. You don’t have to worry; hints are available to help you guess the icon. You just have to assure that you use each of them strategically. If you think you have a fifty percent chance of getting the answer by using “hint”, then it would better to go to that direction. If you think you (and your friends) are agitated in guessing the icon, go for “resolve”. However you will lose 2000 tokens in a blink of an eye.

Overall, I like the Icon Pop Quiz for its inimitable and artistic icons. The only thing that I disfavor is the extensive use of vexatious ads that pops out of nowhere while the game is loading. But just like what I have mentioned before, that is what you get in having a free app. It’s a nice game anyway, so you’ll end up enduring the deluding ads.

Icon Pop Quiz by Alegrium can be downloaded from the in any iOS device.

Maeve Audrey

Stylishly enthralled endless runner from erratic monsters.

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Guessing Game Alert: Icon Pop Quiz
6 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (98% score)

2 comments on “Guessing Game Alert: Icon Pop Quiz

  1. @IconPopQuiz
    on said:

    Guessing Game Alert! A review from @Applatter


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