He is She is: An App for Personality Analysis

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On January 25, 2013
Last modified:January 28, 2013


He is She is uses your own personal opinion of someone to generate results.

Figuring out someone’s mental health may require tons of experience and understanding. designed He is She is to be an accurate checklist that will help you find out what exactly is going on with you, your spouse, your friends and even your own mother. 

Designed to work perfectly with the iPhone and the iPad, He is She is is a comprehensive personality test application that uses details you have entered to tell you whether you are sexually addicted, hyper, paranoid, stressed, an alcoholic and even a cheater.

The app also comes with a few extras to help you monitor the behavior of anyone in your life. You can even use it to analyze celebrities!

Want to know what we love most about He is She is? Hit the Read more button to find out!

Easy to Use

Basically, He is She is calculates results based on the descriptors you have attributed to each profile. To be sure of the app’s accuracy, you will need to evaluate the entire contents of the app’s long list of descriptions and phrases for the app to deliver you accurate results. The task may sound daunting, but the app comes with a quick how-to and a UI that’s easy to navigate.

Just create a profile, assign “keywords” (descriptors), and go back to the main profile. You’ll be surprised by the results!

Just choose all applicable items and hit the Assign button

Multiple Profiles

He is She is not only makes you realize that there’s something wrong with someone that needs to be addressed. The app also allows users to add as many profiles as needed, and even delete profiles (hint: a long press is necessary).

Multiple Uses

An app that doesn’t really solve a problem or at least make things easier is not a good app. Good think that He is She is is worth the money!

Can you think of other uses for this app? We at Applatter sure can! We feel that you can use the app to discover secret information about the people close to you. Just select the descriptors that best characterize that person in your life. Evaluating every person in your life can take several minutes to complete, but the effort is worth it, especially if it means discovering that your spouse has been cheating on you!

Extra Features

 A summary feature to let you take a look at someone’s behavior in a single day.

The app shows you the results in a pie chart and two graphs

You can also share results via email, Twitter and Facebook. This means you can unwittingly expose people and possibly embarrass them.

The Bottom Line

He is She is is an easy to use application that can reveal a person’s secrets. I am not sure how accurate it is exactly, but the app was able to reveal that I am a stressed, Facebook addicted psychopath. The app has to be at least 67% accurate. Plus, for just $0.99, you get hours of fun trying to figure out everyone in your entire neighborhood! I say it’s worth it. .

Elijah Monroe

For more than three years, Elijah Monroe has worked as a researcher and writer for various technology blogs. He freelances now for various local websites.

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He is She is: An App for Personality Analysis
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