Posts Tagged ‘ Fido Goes Places DX review

Fido Goes Places DX: Expanding Your Child’s Vocabulary

Isn’t it delightful to see your little angels cooing and babbling their simple utterances? Yet later on before we know it,  their conversation skills have already grown enormously. Now with , a fun educational app by Pixel Interactive, building your kid’s vocabulary is now as easy as pie.

At an early age, parents and educators must instill in them the richness of vocabulary. Language is not just talking or about mere conversation, it is where thoughts also emanate. Hence, developing it is essential for them to have a deeper conceptual understanding. Not to mention, language actually drives cognitive development,  kids then can fully express themselves much better if they have the necessary skill.

Harking back, with the help of our friendly monkey, Fido (Remember him from Fido’s Treehouse Scavenger Hunt?), building your kid’s vocabulary is made even more fun and interactive.

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