Posts Tagged ‘ Fido’s Magic Soundbox

App Review: Fido’s Magic Soundbox

Kids these days are VERY curious. By this means they play with whatever they can get a grip of or ask bizarre questions that are sometimes beyond our comprehension. Also, they tend to get fascinated easily with sounds they hear. Once they perceive an obscure sound, they react in many different ways such as being exasperated, ecstatic, frightened and the like. Nonetheless, don’t you think it’s a good idea to engage their senses early with an educational app?

from the makers of qualitative educational apps, Pixel Interactive, is an app that has a phonics program that teaches kids some basic sound relationships through fun games. If you’ve visited places with Fido (remember the app review for Fido Goes Places DX?), then you’ll probably learn to love this kiddie app about sounds– be it around the house, transportation, sports, animals and among others.

A great way to build the foundation skills of your kids is to engage the tots to such educational app that’s sure to loosen up their brain. Read more about this iOS app review after the break.

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