Posts Tagged ‘ Twitter App

Popular Tweets: Know What’s Trending

Thanks to the power of social networking sites, people are more up to date with the latest events in their country, city, or even community. One of the most prominent sites out there that proved to be efficient is, of course, Twitter. With summarized news mixed with personal opinions that people blurt out on their accounts, it has become a tool for gathering not just current happenings because it now acts as a social hub for finding out what the “in-thing” on pop culture is. May it be a sensational band, a social event, global breaking news, or even rumors, a simple hash tag can spark it up your country’s trending topics.

If you’re using Twitter as a platform for knowing what’s going on but you’re not fond of tweeting per se, then check this app called Popular Tweets where you can browse all the trending topics of a specific country or city with just a click without opening your personal account!

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