I can only imagine how hard it must be for parents when they are desperately willing their kids to eat every healthy foods that are available for consumption. But of course, being the kids that they are, they will prefer munching the unhealthy than stomach the healthy veggies. The temptation of gobbling every sugary candy and junk food out there is omnipresent in a kid’s time of life. And while stopping them from their juvenile enjoyment can be hard and hurtful for parents (because depriving your kids from the things that will make them happy is a trifling heartbreak, dramatic or not), it’s the parent’s duty to feed their kids the right stuff and let them grow brighter and fitter!
Maybe, if parents will try incorporating a little helpful entertainment to their kid’s awareness regarding nutritious foods, the kids might actually be lured to eat some of the greenest and most nutritional nibbles. And since nutrition mixed with kiddie entertainment can be one of the keys to help your kids become young, sturdy wonders, this nutritional kiddie app called might just be an awesome help.
RexNFoodbot follows the story of a healthy, green, paper cut-out scientist named Rex. Because Rex is a nourishment-obsessed boffin, he decided to invent a Foodbot that could produce healthy yet tasty foods. An accident occurred while he was programming which resulted to the Foodbot being misprogrammed, and turned into a producer of unhealthy junk foods. Rex tried to stop the mad Foodbot from his unpleasant deeds but the “stop” button wouldn’t work.
The Foodbot set out to bring chaos to the healthy lives of people using the different junk foods that it generated from Rex’s laboratory. The only way to stop Foodbot from scattering ill junk food into the world is to let scientist Rex encrypt 6 codes into the Foodbot. And this is where the youngster’s help will be needed. Read more